He was originally supposed to wrestle Bray Wyatt at WrestleMania 32.His WWE Championship match with Bob Holly could have been better if Triple H and Shawn Michaels hadn't severely ran over their time limit.So in the end, Lesnar settled for "The Next Big Thing" and "The Beast" gimmicks. Paul Heyman doesn't like it, even going so far as to tell Lesnar that he'll be leaving after six months due to that gimmick. Lesnar's original gimmick was supposed to be a Husky Russkie Foreign Wrestling Heel.
Today, they're married and are raising two kids together.
Romance on the Set: Had a fiancée and a baby waiting at home, but then he met Sable. According to Word of God, the Armored Titan was directly modeled after him. Heidi Lovelace match, Kim's suplexes led to the crowd chanting "SUPLEX KINGDOM! SUPLEX KINGDOM!" Kim incorporated that into her merchandise. Referenced by.: At CHIKARA The Secret Of The Ooze, March 19, 2016, during the CHIKARA Grand Champion Princess Kimberlee vs. He also rarely makes any public appearances and has admitted that he doesn't like being around people for the most part. Other than that, Brock has no presence on social media, so updates on him are hard to come by. Reclusive Artist: Brock has a twitter, but he hasn't used it since April 2020, and even then its only purporse seemed to be for retweeting Paul Heyman's tweets about him. Real Song Theme Tune: Enter Sandman by Metallica in the Ultimate Fighting Championship. One of Lesnar's biggest criticisms as an MMA fighter was that he was extremely uncomfortable with being punched. In 2014, at the Night of Champions pay-per-view during his rematch with John Cena, the only times Cena was able to consistently maintain offense were when he relentlessly pummeled Lesnar with punches, and at WrestleMania 31, Roman Reigns had to do largely the same as Cena did to get Brock reeling and vulnerable once Reigns had an opening to collect his breath and get some real offense in, he had to hit Brock with three Superman Punches in order to floor him. Earlier into his return, a strong blow to the stomach would double him over in severe pain, a nod to Lesnar's battle with diverticulitis and mononucleosis in 2012. Aspects of his fighting that he struggled with as a prizefighter also found his way into his WWE character. He even seemed early on to have traded in the F5 (which he had no problem doing, as he showed John Cena immediately) for the Boring, but Practical Kimura lock. Essentially, his gimmick during his return tour has been as an MMA fighter. In his autobiography Deathclutch, he admitted to learning this philosophy from Curt Hennig, who advised him to "get in to get out" (namely, make your money, then leave the business before fatigue and injuries ruin your body and personal life). Money, Dear Boy: Lesnar has said he'd be willing to work more dates if the WWE was willing to pay for the extra appearances. #Brock lesnar r truth cracked
Corpsing: Brock's been known to crack a smile from time to time, but the occasion when 24/7 Champion R-Truth came out to declare (and then promptly undeclare) himself for the Royal Rumble cracked him up so badly he had to lean on the ring ropes to stay upright (particularly as he had no idea it was going to happen).